This is a public interactive map showing the locations of amenities in the Parish. You can zoom in and out and move around, click on icons to find out about them. Layers can also be switched on and off from the Layers box.
Posts about Parish Amenities:
Nearly all emergencies affecting the local community will be dealt with routinely by a joint response from the emergency services, local authorities, health agencies and utility companies. However, in extreme conditions such as snow and flooding, there is a possibility that the emergency services and other agencies may be overwhelmed and not be able to reach us immediately.
The Parish Council's Emergency Plan is currently under review. However, a communication system remains in place since the COVID-19 pandemic.
You can contact the Clerk or Parish Councillors at any time.
Click here to check for flooding alerts in Leek Wootton and surrounding area
Advice is also available from:
- Floods advice on Warwick District Council website
- Flood Risk Management advice on Warwickshire County Council website
Non-weather event highway flooding caused by surface water drains being blocked: Please report to the Clerk or WCC Highways
Advice is available from Warwickshire County Council about:
Please report empty grit bins to the Clerk
RoSPA Safety Report 2023
The annual safety inspection of the playground was carried out on 27 October 2023 and the report can be viewed here:
The long-awaited new Leek Wootton War Memorial Recreation Ground car park is now open!
Please note there is a NEW LAYOUT AND GYRATORY SYSTEM. Users are asked to PARK IN MARKED BAYS ONLY
Leek Wootton War Memorial Recreation Ground 'The Rec' Car Park Redevelopment Project
After several years in the planning, the Rec Car Park project will commence on Monday, 26 June 2023 and last approximately 6 weeks. During this time there will be no vehicular access to the hall, but it will remain open.
The Plan for the car park is available to view on the WDC Planning Portal at Layout1 (, which is a revised plan on the first for this planning application and does not require the removal of trees between the car park and the sports field.
When asking for the conditions to be approved for the commencement of works, a requirement was made for an Ecological Development Plan to be drawn up, showing how the biodiversity net gain will be achieved. This plan is available to view here (as well as on the Planning Portal - Ref. W/21/1871) :

Recreation Ground Car Park: Help with loan application - UPDATED
The survey form is now closed and the Parish Council would like to thank everyone who responded, the feedback has been very useful:

The Parish Council is in the process of applying for a loan from the Public Works Loan Board and is required to show evidence of support for an increase in the council tax precept to repay the loan.
If you are a parish resident, please take a moment to express your support and complete the survey at: or use the QR code.
Since it was hoped to begin this scheme 3 years ago, the precept was increased at that time. Supporting will NOT incur any additional charges on your Council Tax for 2023/24
Bus Services in Leek Wootton & Guy's Cliffe
In May 2022 the Stagecoach No.16 bus service will be discontinued and is to be replaced by a Demand-Responsive Transport Service.
People living within the West Warwick service area will be able to book minibus transport , via an app or by phone, within the area and to Kenilworth and Warwick, where they can link to other transport services.
We are currently awaiting further details of how the service will work, but it will be similar to systems currently running in Atherstone, Coleshill and Rugby.
Read more at:

Other regular bus services continue and for more information about these and/or school bus services, go to:
Leek Wootton Defibrillator
Leek Wootton's Defibrillator was funded and installed by Leek Wootton Sports Club. It is located on the exterior west wall of the village hall and is registered on The Circuit (the National defibrillator network managed by the British Heart Foundation). In 2019 the Parish Council committed to take responsibility for the cost of repairs, maintenance and insurance.
In case of an emergency, a member of the public would ring 999 in an emergency to request the code to open the cabinet. The postcode is CV35 7RB. The location on what3words is ///winner.flat.method

More information: