CALA Latest!

Key dates relating to this issue are as follows:


The Parish Council will use this page to keep residents updated as and when there is further news about the development. See posts below:

Parish Council comments objecting to W/24/1006

The text of the Parish Council's objection reads as follows:

I have been asked by Leek Wootton & Guy's Cliffe Parish Council to respond as follows:

The Parish Council [PC] has studied this application and would firstly comment that it is pleased to see the reduced number of dwellings (70) now proposed by the applicant, compared with the approved outline planning permission of “up to 83”.  It is also pleased to see the building heights are all 2-storey maximum, rather than the 2½ stated in the outline planning permission.

However, the PC still OBJECTS to this application on the following grounds:-

  1. The number of visitor parking spaces provided (18) falls significantly below the 20% of allocated spaces that is required by Warwick District Council Parking Standards, June 2018. The distribution of the proposed spaces is also disproportionate as there are 6 spaces provided for the 7 dwellings on the ‘tennis court’ area and only 12 spaces on the main site of 63 dwellings. This low supply is likely to lead to off-site parking on Woodcote Lane, which is already narrow and subject to roadside parking, and could also lead to roadside parking within the development causing congestion and restrictions for contractor/emergency vehicles.
  2. The size of parking spaces on the plan is difficult to establish but we are concerned that the size of spaces for visitor and allocated parking may be inadequate.  Warwick District Council Parking Standards, June 2018 requires that allowance be made for passing allocated parking spaces, for example with a bicycle or wheelie bin.  The PC would ask that the District Council ensures that parking spaces comply with its own standards.
  3. Some proposed allocated parking spaces are within garages.  Again, the PC is concerned that the garages may not be sufficiently big to be considered allocated parking spaces as they are required to be of sufficient size to accommodate both a car and other standard garage storage materials. This is set out in Warwick District Council Parking Standards, June 2018 at 4m x 6.5m internal dimensions. The PC would ask again that the District Council ensures that garage parking spaces comply with its own standards.


  1. Condition 15 of the Planning Inspector’s Decision (approval of the outline planning permission) relates to tree protection/mitigation strategy.  Item 15(a) requires, “a detailed scaled plan (to a scale and level of accuracy appropriate to the proposal) showing the position of every tree on the site, and every tree on land adjacent to the site (including street trees) that is likely to have an effect upon or be affected by the proposal (e.g. by shade, overhang from the boundary, intrusion of the Root Protection Area etc) with a stem diameter over the bark measured at 1.5 metres above ground level of at least 75 millimetres;”. The PC is not satisfied that the plan provided showing trees on site and their distribution is correct.  A number of trees have been identified that are not shown on the plan and the PC would ask that the plan be thoroughly scrutinised alongside a site inspection to ensure accuracy.
  2. The PC is also concerned about the proximity of building foundations to existing tree roots in some locations.
  3. Plans show a break in the hedge line from the development to Woodcote Lane (rear of plots 20-23, opposite existing 34 Woodcote Lane). This would potentially provide a dangerous pedestrian access down a steep slope into the lane where there is no footway. This should be closed off with planting/landscaping.

Submitted to Warwick District Planning Portal 18/08/2024 22:03


In addition to the Parish Council's submission dated 18/08/2024, the PC notes that the 'Landscape Masterplan' and documents within this application do not appear to show any reduction in the hedge near the new site entrance from Woodcote Lane to create a visibility splay for vehicles exiting the site, as set out in the W/22/1877 Appeal document 'Access Arrangements - Woodcote Lane (21-0340-SK06A)'. This is a matter of concern, due to the curve of the road in that location.

Submitted to Warwick District Planning Portal 19/08/2024 18:19

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How to view Planning Applications in person

If you are unable to view planning application documents online for any reason, you can make an appointment at the Warwick District Council Hub at the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa (t : 01926 456077) . Contact Name: Ruth Jones

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Community Meeting: Development at Woodcote (Police HQ)

Sunday, 4 August at 5:15pm
Following the Planning Inquiry decision in favour of outline planning permission for new housing at Woodcote (Police HQ), CALA has submitted a new application (Ref. W/24/1006) and a meeting is to be held with the Parish Council and Leek Wootton Focus Group to discuss the application.
All comments need to be submitted to the Warwick District Council Planning Department by 19 August 2024

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Planning Application: Land at Warwickshire Police Headquarters, Woodcote Lane (Ref: W/24/1006)

Application No: W/24/1006
Description: Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) in pursuance of outline planning permission W/22/1877 for residential development of 70 dwellings including internal access roads and footpaths, drainage works and landscaping.
Address: Land at Warwickshire Police Headquarters, Woodcote Lane, Leek Wootton, Warwick, CV35 7QB
Applicant: Cala Homes (Cotswolds) Ltd

LW&GC PC Comment: OBJECT - read objection
WDC Decision: Pending

Link to on-line application documents

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APPEAL & COSTS DECISIONS: Planning Application Ref. W/22/1877 by CALA Homes (Ref. APP/T3725/W/23/3319752)

Site Address: Land at Warwickshire Police HQ, Woodcote Lane, Leek Wootton CV35 7QA
Description of development: Application for Outline Planning Permission for up to 83 dwellings ( including affordable housing), access, internal roads and footpaths, car parking, public openspace, landscaping, drainage and other associated works and infrastructure (all matters of details reserved except for the vehicular access to the site).
Application Reference: W/22/1877
Appellant's name: CALA Homes (Cotswolds) Ltd
Appeal reference: APP/T3725/W/23/3319752
Appeal start date: 28/04/2023

CALA Homes formally appealed to the Planning Inspectorate for a judgement by them on the matter of the above outline planning application lodged with Warwick District Council [WDC] at the end of November 2022.

Link to on-line application documents

The Inquiry was held on 31/10/2023 to 02/11/2023, 3, 4, 17 and 30/01/2024. Inquiry closed in writing on 13 February 2024. Accompanied site visit made on 03/11/2023. Unaccompanied site visits made on 30/10/2023 and 02/01/2024 by S J Lee BA(Hons) MA MRTPI, an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State.

Leek Wootton Parish Council, with Leek Wootton Focus Group, formed a Rule 6 Party to present the community's case.

Inspector's Decisions:

Appeal: GRANTED | Costs to Rule 6 Party: GRANTED
(both decisions available below)

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Statement to Warwick District Council Planning Committee, 11 October 2023

The statement made to Warwick District Council's Planning Committee by Chair, Cllr Richard Coates, is available to view here (a recording of the meeting is available to view here at timestamp 1:25:00):

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CALA Development: Objection to W/23/1115

The parish Council has submitted the following objection to the above planning application:

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Statement to Warwick District Council Planning Committee, 12 September 2023

The following statement was presented to WDC Planning Committee prior to the meeting on 12 September (view the whole meeting here Planning Committee - 12 September 2023 - YouTube), when the CALA Homes outline planning application for up to 83 dwellings was considered:

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Woodcote (Police HQ): Objection to 'Wheatcroft Amendments' to W/22/1877

On 23 August the Parish Council submitted the following objection to the 'Wheatcroft Amendments' to application W/22/1877:

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Planning Application: Land at Warwickshire Police HQ, Woodcote Lane (Ref. W/23/1115)

Application No: W/23/1115
Description: Up to 83 dwellings (including affordable housing), access, internal roads and footpaths, car parking, public open space, landscaping, drainage and other associated works and infrastructure (all matters of detail reserved except for the vehicular access to the site).
Address: Land at Warwickshire Police HQ, Woodcote Lane, Leek Wootton, Warwick, CV35 7QB

LW&GC PC Comment: OBJECT (read submission)

Link to on-line application documents

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