Your Parish Councillors

For a printable contact list: Council Information

Name & PositionContact DetailsInterests / Committees
Richard COATES
Westside, Hill Wootton Road
Leek Wootton, WARWICK CV35 7QL
t: 856223
email Cllr Coates
Playground (LEAD)
Recreation ground
Finance & Risk Cttee
Planning Cttee
Recreation Ground Trustees
30 Hill Wootton Road
Leek Wootton
t: 854347
email Cllr Eldridge
Planning (LEAD)
Guy’s Cliffe
Emergency Planning
Finance & Risk
Planning Cttee
Cllr Elisa HarroldDavid HARROLD
email Cllr Harrold
32 Hill Wootton Road
Leek Wootton
email Cllr Kingston
Community Speed Watch (Liaison)
Community Development
All Saints’ Church
Cllr Jim KirkwoodJim KIRKWOOD
Lyndhurst, 34 Woodcote Lane
Leek Wootton
t: 852444
email Cllr Kirkwood
Highways (LEAD)
Village Hall
Community Forum
Finance & Risk Cttee
Planning Cttee
The Meadows
Leek Wootton
email Cllr Morgan
Community Development
Emergency Planning
All Saints’ Academy
Clerk to the Parish Council
1 Anchor Cottages, Warwick Road
Leek Wootton
m: 07464 017573
email the Clerk

If you would like to know more about becoming a Parish Councillor, please go to the Becoming a Councillor page

Posts about Parish Councillors:

Notice of Vacancy

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy is deemed to have occurred in the office of Councillor for Leek Wootton & Guy’s Cliffe Parish Council following the resignation on 5 March 2025 of Councillor David Elsy.
Rules 5(5) and 5(6) of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006, provide that on a casual vacancy occurring in the office of parish councillor within six months before the day on which that councillor would regularly have retired, the town council may, as soon as practicable after the expiry of the period of 14 days (i.e. 14 days, computed as below, after public notice of the vacancy has been given) co-opt a person to fill the vacancy.
Any vacancy not so filled must be filled at the next ordinary election.
Dated this day of 5 March 2025

Signed	Helen Eldridge
(Clerk to the Parish Council)

Address:	1 Anchor Cottages, Warwick Road, Leek Wootton, WARWICK, CV35 7QX
07464 017573

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Notice of Vacancy

Councillor Stephanie Allison resigned from the Council on 14 December 2023, after nearly three and a half years' service.

This resignation has created a third vacancy on the Parish Council. To find out more about the work of the Parish Council and how to join, please contact the Clerk, or see the Councillor Vacancy: Application Pack

The Notice of Vacancy is available to view here:

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Notice of Uncontested Election, 4 May 2023

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Notices of Election

The Returning Officer of Warwick District Council has published the following Notices of Election:

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Parish Council Elections

Parish Council elections will take place in May.

This Parish Council currently has 7 Councillors and 1 vacancy.

If you're interested in becoming a Councillor and standing at the election, please contact the clerk, or you can find helpful information at the following links:

About the Parish Council:

About becoming a Councillor:

About the Election Process:

Important Dates:

  • 4pm on 4 April 2023 - Deadline for delivery of nomination papers
  • Thursday, 4 May - POLLING DAY (Warwick District Council and the Parish Council, if contested)
  • 7:30pm on Tuesday, 23 May - Annual PC Meeting (first meeting of the new Council)

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Notice of Vacancy

Councillor Peter Tunkle resigned from the Council on 5 February, after 15 years service. This leaves a vacancy on the Parish Council within 6 months of the local council elections in Warwick District.

The Notice of Vacancy is available to view here:

If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, or would like more information, please see the Becoming a Councillor page of this website, or contact the Clerk

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New Councillor: Jonathan Kingston

The Parish Council co-opted Jonathan Kingston at its meeting on 5 July 2022.

Jonathan has lived in Leek Wootton for over 20 years and has been involved in many projects within the community; his is a familiar face to many from his work pounding the streets to sell raffle tickets for the Church and Members of the Parish Council have already worked closely with him on the Parish Summer Fetes since 2016.

There were two candidates for the vacancy, which was triggered by the resignation of Joy Maisey in late 2021, and the co-option of Cllr Kingston means the Council now has a full compliment of 8 councillors again.

The Parish Council looks forward to working with Cllr Kingston.

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Councillor Vacancy: Application Pack

The application pack for candidates for the Councillor vacancy is available here, with a Word version of the application form below:

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Vacancy for a Parish Councillor

To find out more about becoming a Parish Councillor, please visit Becoming a Parish Councillor

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Resignation: Councillor Joy Maisey

At its meeting on 4 January 2022 the Parish Council formally accepted the resignation of Cllr Joy Maisey, who joined the Council in January 2019.

The Chairman, Richard Coates writes, "It was with some sadness that I received a letter from Joy outlining her intention to resign from the Council for personal reasons.

"She has served us extremely well particularly being the spokesperson for Hill Wootton after Cllr Moore’s resignation. She did say she felt her appointment might only be temporary until a more permanent Hill Wootton representative could be found and with Cllr Elsy now on board she feels the time is right to devote herself to family and other pursuits.

"So on behalf of the Council, I would like to wish her well and thank her for the enthusiastic support she has given over the past three years. Her initiative in organising the competition for the most bee friendly garden is one I am sure we will continue. I for one will miss her cheery smile and infectious sense of humour!"

Cllr Maisey's resignation leaves a Vacancy on the Council

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