Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response

If you need to get tested for Coronavirus the number to call in England and Wales is:
For more information about getting tested, go to

Protect your loved ones. Download the NHS COVID-19 app today.
The app has a number of tools to protect you, including contact tracing, local area alerts and venue check-in.
To find out more, visit

It is important in these unprecedented times that we all take stock of where we are and what we are doing in the difficult circumstances that confront us.

The Parish Council, together with the Church and Neighbourhood Watch are coordinating a ‘Street Champion’ system, breaking the parish down into smaller areas where Champion teams can check on neighbours who may be vulnerable and/or self-isolating to help by collecting shopping or prescriptions, post letters, pass on news or advice (if they don’t have internet access) or anything else they may need.

Street Champions may contact residents directly, but if you are seeking help or would like to volunteer, here are the COVID-19 Response Team’s contact details and they will be able to put you in touch with someone who can help:

In an ever-changing situation, further information is available here:


Nearly all emergencies affecting the local community will be dealt with routinely by a joint response from the emergency services, local authorities, health agencies and utility companies. However, in extreme conditions such as snow and flooding, there is a possibility that the emergency services and other agencies may be overwhelmed and not be able to reach us immediately.

The Parish Council's Emergency Plan is currently under review. However, a communication system remains in place since the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can contact the Clerk or Parish Councillors at any time.


Click here to check for flooding alerts in Leek Wootton and surrounding area

Advice is also available from:

Non-weather event highway flooding caused by surface water drains being blocked: Please report to the Clerk or WCC Highways


Advice is available from Warwickshire County Council about:

Please report empty grit bins to the Clerk

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COVID-19: Autumn update poster

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Coronavirus Information Update

If you need to get tested for Coronavirus the number to call in England and Wales is:
For more information about getting tested, go to

Protect your loved ones. Download the NHS COVID-19 app today.
The app has a number of tools to protect you, including contact tracing, local area alerts and venue check-in.
To find out more, visit

For more information about the parish COVID-19 Response Team, click here

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Playground Re-opening Risk Assessment

The Parish Council risk assessment for re-opening the playground after COVID-19 closure is available to view here:

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Playground re-opened

The playground in Leek Wootton has re-opened this afternoon.

COVID-19 guidance has been provided, because the playground is not staffed and the Parish Council would be grateful if adults would follow this:

We would like to thank everyone for their patience as measures have been put in place.

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4 July 2020: Playground update

The playground will remain closed until further notice and all play equipment has been taped up.

Leek Wootton Children's Playground - currently closed

Following the example of Warwick District Council, which is carrying out a phased re-opening of outdoor facilities, the PC is hoping to open soon, with guidance for users, following a thorough risk assessment to ensure compliance with Government guidelines.

The PC is grateful to all users for their patience.

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COVID-19 support available

As lockdown eases, COVID-19 support is available to community organisations from various sources:

The LW&GC Community Grant Fund (for grants up to £500):

The Police & Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire (for grants up to £5,000):

Applications are welcome from community, voluntary, third sector, private and statutory organisations that deliver projects or services at a countywide level or local level within Warwickshire (North Warwickshire, Rugby Borough, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough, Warwick District and Stratford District). All projects must be not-for-profit.


Warwick District Council's Community emergency response fund (COVID-19)(to support organisations/groups who are responding to people in need within Warwick District):

Warwickshire County Council:


Leek Wootton & Guy's Cliffe COVID-19 Response Team:

Warwickshire CAVA (Community & Voluntary Action):

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VE75 Change of plans!

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the VE75 Party and Fete was cancelled.

Instead, the community held a series of Stay at Home Street Parties, which brought the neighbours 'together' (appropriately socially distanced, of course) and helped enormously in these challenging times.

Images were captured in an article in The Leek Wootton Link:

Hopefully 2021 will bring an opportunity for the community to hold a proper Parish Summer Fete, as it will be the centenary of the Leek Wootton War Memorial Recreation Ground.

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Playground Closed

In accordance with the latest government guidance, the playground has been closed. Please respect this closure and help save lives.

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Free School Lunches entitlement

If any of you are entitled to free school lunches for your children please call Warwickshire Welfare for 6 weeks of support for food – 0800 4081448  

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