Planning Applications

Planning applications have to be made to the Planning Department of Warwick District Council, who follow a consultation process which includes on-site public notices, approaching immediate neighbours, various departments at the County Council and other agencies as relevant to the application.  The Parish Council is always included in the consultation process.

For further information about the planning process, click here to go to Warwick District Council Planning

If you require to see any of the plans please contact the Clerk or The Planning Department, Warwick District Council, Riverside House, Milverton Hill, Leamington Spa or use the WDC’s Planning Portal

Click here to see the results of previous planning applications

Planning applications that are currently under consideration:

Planning Application: Chapel of St Mary Magdalene, Guy's Cliffe (Ref. W/25/0197)

Application No: W/25/0197
Description: Change of use of land, on a temporary basis, for the siting of an open sided tent to host wedding receptions and other events for a period of five months between May and September (inclusive) each year.
Address: Chapel of St Mary Magdalene, Coventry Road, Guys Cliffe, Warwick, CV34 5YD

Link to on-line application documents

LW&GC PC Comment: Pending
WDC Decision: Pending

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Planning Application: 3 Lime Villas, Warwick Road (Ref. W/25/0307)

Application No: W/25/0307
Description: Erection of single storey side extension
Address: 3 Lime Villas, Warwick Road, Leek Wootton, Warwick, CV35 7QU

LW&GC PC Comment: Pending
WDC Decision: Pending

Link to on-line application documents

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Planning Application: The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club, Warwick Road (Ref. W/25/0158)

Application No: W/25/0158
Description: Installation of solar panels and associated equipment to the southern and western roof pitch (Retrospective Application).
Address: The Hotel, The Warwickshire Golf and Country Club, Warwick Road, Leek Wootton, Warwick, CV35 7QT

LW&GC Comment: No objection
WDC Decision: Pending

Link to on-line application documents

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Planning Application: Warwickshire Police HQ, Woodcote Lane (Ref: W/25/0173 LB)

Application No: W/25/0173 LB
Description: Refurbishment of the first floor female toilets in Woodcote House. This will include the removal an internal timber stud partition wall (including a timber hollow core door), an existing glass screen and existing toilet and wash hand basing (plus cabinetry). The refurbishment will include the installation of 2 new WC's within cubicles, a new metal stud wall to reduce the length of the room to the back of the WCs, a new vanity and basin along with redecoration to the existing walls and installation of an electrical hand dryer.
Address: Warwickshire Police Headquarters, Woodcote Lane, Leek Wootton, Warwick, CV35 7QB

LW&GC PC Comment: No objection
WDC Decision: Pending

Link to on-line application documents

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Planning Application: Warwickshire Police HQ, Woodcote Lane (Ref: W/25/0038)

Application No: W/25/0038
Description: External works to improve the safety and security of Police Headquarters' staff, visitors and policing operations. Improvements to include; resurfacing of existing roads, paths and car parks, additional car parking, temporary overflow car parking, pedestrian footpaths, external lighting, CCTV, security barriers, security huts, sunshade canopies, security gates, disabled ramp, garden of reflection, structural landscaping and
biodiversity net gain.
Address: Warwickshire Police Headquarters, Woodcote Lane, Leek Wootton, Warwick, CV35 7QB

LW&GC PC Comment: OBJECT (Click here to read objection submitted)
WDC Decision: Pending

Link to on-line application documents

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Planning Application: The Pound, 16 Hill Wootton Road (Ref. W/24/1651)

Application No: W/24/1651
Description: Erection of single storey side and rear extensions
Address: The Pound, 16 Hill Wootton Road, Leek Wootton, Warwick, CV35 7QL

LW&GC Comment: No objection
WDC Decision: Pending

Link to on-line application documents

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Planning Application: 1 Rock Cottages, Warwick Road (Ref. W/25/0076)

Application No: W/25/0076
Description: Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission ref: W/21/1493 (Demolition of existing garage & erection of 1no. three bedroom dwellinghouse with associated works) to include an increase in floor area at first floor and amended fenestration to the north and south elevations.
Address: 1 Rock Cottages, Warwick Road, Leek Wootton, Warwick, CV35

LW&GC PC Comment: NEUTRAL - Comment: Proximity and threat to village hall caused by noise complaints
WDC Decision: Pending

Link to on-line application documents

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How to view Planning Applications in person

If you are unable to view planning application documents online for any reason, you can make an appointment at the Warwick District Council Hub at the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa (t : 01926 456077) . Contact Name: Ruth Jones

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Planning Application: Land at Warwickshire Police Headquarters, Woodcote Lane (Ref: W/24/1006)

Application No: W/24/1006
Description: Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) in pursuance of outline planning permission W/22/1877 for residential development of 70 dwellings including internal access roads and footpaths, drainage works and landscaping.
Address: Land at Warwickshire Police Headquarters, Woodcote Lane, Leek Wootton, Warwick, CV35 7QB
Applicant: Cala Homes (Cotswolds) Ltd

LW&GC PC Comment: OBJECT - read objection
WDC Decision: Pending

Link to on-line application documents

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Planning Application: Land at Warwickshire Police Headquarters (Ref. W/22/0465)

Application No: W/22/0465
Description: Erection of 83 dwellings (including affordable housing), access, internal roads and footpaths, car parking, public open space, landscaping, drainage and other associated works and infrastructure.
Address: Land at Warwickshire Police Headquarters, Woodcote Lane, Leek Wootton, Warwick, CV35 7QA

LW&GC Comment: OBJECT (read letter of objection)
WDC Decision: Pending

Link to on-line application documents

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