Annual Parish Assembly 2025


Wednesday, 26 March 2025 at 7:00pm
All Saints’ Church, Leek Wootton

Residents, voluntary organisations and the business community are invited to attend the Annual Parish Assembly

Parish Council Information

The Chairman of the Parish Council will present a report on the activities of the Parish Council 2024/25 and the LW&GC Community Resilience Coordinator will present the new initiative. 

In addition, the Parish Council will initiate a discussion about the Community Infrastructure Levy [CIL].  CIL is a levy that local authorities charge on developments to assist in the delivery of infrastructure to support development in their area (as per the Planning Act 2008 and CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended)).  A portion of CIL income is paid to the parish or town council affected, to be spent by them to offset the impacts of development in the area.  This is collected by Warwick District Council (the Planning Authority) and you can read more about it at

The Parish Council has received a CIL payment of a little under £7,000 after the new home built on Warwick Road was completed and is likely to receive more CIL money when the new homes at Woodcote (which have outline planning permission) are complete.

It is important that the PC consults with you, the local community, to develop a list of the infrastructure priorities in the area and we will be inviting residents and community organisations to put forward their priorities. Any projects suggested should benefit the broadest section of the community and there will be an open forum to discuss ideas. Ideas can also be submitted by email to the clerk at

Other organisations

Reports will be available from the County and District Councillors, as well as other community organisations.  We provide reports in a written format, but organisations are welcome to address the assembly.

After the formal meeting, there will be an opportunity for general discussion, along with light refreshments.

The DRAFT Minutes of the 2024 Annual Parish Assembly will be made available to Assembly attendees, and are available to view here: