Community Live! 2023

Saturday, 9 September 2023, 3:00-6:00pm
at Leek Wootton Village Hall, Recreation Ground and Sports Club

Community Live is a gathering of more than 30 local clubs, organisations and interesting individuals. Come see if you fancy trying something new, show others what you do, start a new club, or just have a nosey. It’s free to participate or peruse. Not only that, it will all be topped off with delicious burgers and a bar.

The Parish Council is also speaking to the Sports Club about screening the Rugby World Cup England -v- Argentina game on the big screen afterwards.

Some of those attending include:

  • Comedy at Work
  • Pop Voices
  • Warwick and Leamington Beekeepers
  • Warwickshire Hedgehog Rescue
  • Closer to Nature (for kids)
  • Baby and Toddler Group
  • Explorers 
  • Cubs and Scouts
  • Brownies and Guides
  • Leek Wootton Sports Club: football and cricket
  • Hill Wootton Clay Club
  • Meeting House Artists
  • Nomades Club de Pétanque
  • Young at Heart
  • University of the 3rd Age
  • ProBus
  • Slava Knit
  • Scottish Country Dancing
  • Parish Environment Group
  • Leek Wootton Gardening Group
  • Ramblers
  • Leek Wootton Focus Group
  • Ladakh and Tibetan Society
  • Model Railway Society
  • Leek Wootton & Ashow Handbells
  • Mary’s Meals
  • All Saints’ Church Leek Wootton
  • Warwickshire Police community surgery
  • LW&GC Parish Council 

To find out more contact:
Steph Allison, LW&GC Parish Council
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