CALA Development: Parish Council Update (Mar-22)

Following the announcement by the Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) of the sale of the Paddock and tennis courts at Woodcote Police HQ to CALA Homes, your Parish Council (PC) has met with the PCC, Philip Seccombe to find out as much detail about the sale as he was prepared to provide.

The PC has also met with representatives of CALA Homes on two occasions to put to them our views on CALA’s proposals for development and how they should comply with WDC’s Local Plan and the Leek Wootton and Guy’s Cliffe Neighbourhood Plan.  In those discussions Councillors have sought clarification of:

  • Plans for the remainder of the site not owned by CALA and future management plans for the areas of woodland, lakes, and open spaces.
  • Details of how the Grade 2 listed building is to be preserved and heritage areas restored as well as plans for the restoration of derelict or unused buildings including removal of unused communications equipment.
  • The details and form of proposed buildings and justification for proposed housing densities significantly greater than those outlined in the Police Draft Master Plan and the PC’s own outline plans submitted as part of the local plan development process.
  • Information on traffic and infrastructure associated with the CALA development in view of the Police decision to remain on site at Woodcote and its implication for both vehicle movements at the Anchor junction and pedestrian traffic on Woodcote Drive and Woodcote Lane.
  • Provision of adequate parking within the development to ensure that there are no negative effects on Woodcote Lane and adjacent areas.

The PC has also met with Planning Officers at WDC, together with our two District Councillors, to make known to those Planners our concerns as set out above.

As a result of all these meetings we are advised that nothing can be formally addressed until CALA Homes submits its application for planning consent, which we understand could be within the next few weeks.

Your Parish Council will continue to keep up pressure on all parties to ensure, as best they are able, that the development of these sites at Woodcote Police HQ is appropriate to the sites, their location and the village of Leek Wootton.