Application No: W/22/1877
Description: Application for Outline Planning Permission for up to 83 dwellings (including affordable housing), access, internal roads and footpaths, car parking, public openspace, landscaping, drainage and other associated works and infrastructure(all matters of details reserved except for the vehicular access to the site).
Address: Land at Warwickshire Police Headquarters, Woodcote Lane, Leek Wootton, Warwickshire, CV35 7QA
Applicant: Cala Homes (Cotswolds) Ltd
LW&GC PC Comment: Object (Read objection here)(Read second ‘Wheatcroft’ objection here)(Read statements to WDC Planning Committee here: Statement, 20 June 2023, Statement, 12 September 2023)
WDC Decision: Decision has been taken out of WDC’s hands due to Appeal to Planning Inspectorate, but WDC decided in Planning Committee meeting on 20/06/2023 that it would have refused and will fight the Appeal on 4 grounds. The Appeal was granted on 24/05/2024.
Planning Inspector’s Decision: APPEAL GRANTED