Latest News, 23 July 2022

Recent activity of the Parish Council includes:

  • The Parish Council along with Trustees and the Village Hall Committee attended Warwick District Council Planning Committee on 20/07/2022 and objected – citing noise – to the proposed new house between 1 Rock Cottages and the Village Hall. The Committee GRANTED planning permission, but included a condition that noise mitigation measures are included. Click here to view on-line application documents
  • The Parish Council attempted to arrange an environmental walkabout through The Lunch with Warwickshire Police and other interested parties, but this was refused. A further meeting with the Police and Crime Commissioner is planned to discuss accessibility issues around ‘The Lunch’ woodland.
  • The Parish Council has continued to seek further guidance on the legality of DS22 relative to the CALA Homes planning application and will release details when it has them.

For more information about the Parish Council, the minutes archive is available to view here