Environment Group: BeeFriendly! Competition

To enter use this online form by 30 June to describe your bee friendly garden.

Tell us about the flowers you grow and what you do to encourage bees to love your outside space… Shortlisted entries will be judged in July.

Make sure your garden includes, for example, apple blossom, dandelions and celandine in the spring. In the summer, lavender, cosmos, chives, and in particular open flowers which bees love. In autumn and winter grow flowers such as honeysuckle, sunflowers, hebe and snowdrops. Don’t forget bees need rainwater, and you can make your own places for solitary bees, a bee hotel! You will find an abundance of advice online. Visit the Leek Wootton and Guy’s Cliffe Facebook group for bee friendly links.

You only need a small space, if you haven’t got a garden, bee friendly planting in flowerpots will do the job just as well.

Happy gardening!

Leek Wootton &Guy’s Cliffe Environment Group

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