LW&GC Neighbourhood Plan: Referendum Result

Representatives of the Parish Council attended the referendum count on 3 May 2018.

The result was as follows:

  • 365 votes (107 postal/258 polling station)
  • 46% turnout
  • Yes = 347, No = 17, 1 blank paper
  • 95% Yes vote

The result is available here: WDC Referendum Result

The Council was pleased with the excellent turnout (the best turnout for NP referendums in Warwick District so far) and the positive result, which gives it and the District Council a clear mandate to use the plan when considering future planning in the parish.

The Council is grateful to all who have helped produce the plan during its 5-year development and all who turned out yesterday (3 May) to support it.

UPDATE: Click here to view the WDC Adoption Statement (04/05/2018)